Fully Wheelchair Accessible

Sedation Dentistry

In-Office Oral Moderate Sedation Dentistry in the Niagara Region

Dr. Michael D’Agostino, Dr. Peter Phillips, Dr. Luca Pagnotta and Dr. Andre Boermsa offer oral moderate sedation for those patients who are anxious having dental treatment. Oral moderate sedation uses a combination of nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) and a prescribed medication to help patients feel comfortable and relaxed during their dental treatment. Patients who undergo this sedation technique are continuously monitored by a pulse oximeter.

Patients wishing to have this treatment must first have a consultation with the performing dentist to discuss their medical history and current medications. Due to the medication used during oral sedation, patients will be unable to drive after their appointment. Arrangements for an escort to and from the appointment should be made.

Sleep Dentistry – Complete Sedation

Dr. Luca Pagnotta offers “sleep dentistry”, a full range of general dental treatment while patients are fully sedated. Treatment is performed under general anesthetic as the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital in Grimsby, Ontario. Complete sedation is often an excellent treatment option for very young or uncooperative children, extremely anxious patients or medically compromised individuals who cannot be treated at the office.

Pre-Op Information Package

There are a series of tasks that must be completed prior to having full sedation at the West Lincoln Memorial Hospital. First you will be given a package form the hospital coordinator at the Village Square Dental Centre. In that package, you will have a pink and white form to fill out and return to the office. Secondly, you must make an appointment to see your family doctor for a pre-op history and physical 2-3 weeks prior to your procedure. At that appointment, your doctor will fill out the yellow form in the page which also must be returned to the dental office.

Checklist for Day of Surgery